There are 5 main issues that are present at every worship service:
1. Spiritually blind- the people in the audience can't spiritually see. It's equal to wearing a blindfold. You are looking out wondering why the people have blank looks on their face but spiritually they can't see what's going on.
2. Spiritually deaf- the people in the audience can't hear spiritually. They may be looking at you with weird expressions or sitting because they can see something going on but they can't hear.
Please note that some people are spiritually mute! They can't hear or see what's going on spiritually.
3. Childhood issue-a lot of people can't get into worship because they have childhood issues. Someone who was supposed to nurture and teach them was not there or mistreated them. Worship is intimacy with God. A lot of people cannot be intimate because they don't know how to be vulnerable. This is usually taught in childhood.
4. Overwhelming issues- is an issue that consumes the people's minds and thoughts.
5. Out of season issue- is an issue that happened some point in someone’s life and that person is stuck in that season.
Although, these are distractions in worship you can overcome them by moving prophetically within worship. A worship leader should be open to hear what God is saying and deliver that message to the people. The message will start to break/pull the people out of the typical distraction.
A person who is dealing with a typical distraction should take the bandage off and start dealing with the issue. No wound can be covered up and still heal! The application of the word should be use to totally be free from the distracting issue.