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Relationship Series (Part 3): What is in your heart come out

Key Scripture: Luke 6: 45 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

I was in my bedroom and smelled this almost sweet smell. I started to pray because I knew it was a demonic spirit in my presence. As, I prayed and cast the demon out the smell disappeared. God spoke this, “Worshipers have to stop coming into my presence half way cleaned.” The hidden issues/sin are causing an aroma that is almost sweet. That is why I had the encounter with the demonic spirit. If I did not discern that something was off in the room I would have ignored the smell. This is the same with worship. We as worshippers come into God’s presence dealing with everyday life. We must cast down all of flesh BEFORE we enter into corporate worship.

Luke 6: 45 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart. Out the abundance of the heart the mouth speak but what if your heart has hidden sin does it leak out into worship? Yes! The heart is the chamber of relationship. It is where God diffuses the mind and keep a track of the spirit man. If we have no relationship we are not diffused. No diffusion means that nothing filter you from releasing toxic into the corporate worship experience.

The smell was not horrible. Most people say demons stink. This was a male spirit of perversion and God even gave the origin. Clean hands and a pure heart is the pre-requisite in order to ascend in worship. So you have to deal with hidden heart issues. Nothing covered up can be healed! Don’t worry we all fall short but it is important to repent before you enter into corporate worship.

Today pray this prayer: Lord, today I ask that you reveal any heart issues that are hidden. I ask you to show me the things that are blocking me from being transparent before you. Give me strategy on how to attack the issues of my heart. Forgive me for denying that these things are bothering me. Forgive me for not dealing with these issues sooner. I decree that no issues will remain covered. Send you love to fill every void. In Jesus Name Amen

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